
I am Faraj Hasan, and I have been learning Qur’anic recitation since the age of five. In the beginning, my lessons started at home with my mother. We would reinforce my memory of short surahs while cleaning, cooking, or traveling in the car. My mother would recite an ayah from a surah, pause, and then expect me to continue where she left off. Reflecting on the joyful times I had honing this skill, as an adult, I adopted the same method my mother used to teach others, seeking reward from Allah (SWT). Over time, I discovered that reciting for my mother when she was ill or upset would bring her comfort.

Throughout my childhood, I had several Quran instructors. During my time overseas in Egypt, Quranic studies were a significant part of the school’s curriculum, alongside individual lessons at home. My mother always praised my recitation for its ability to soothe her soul, noting my unique approach. Additionally, I was fortunate to have an instructor who taught me recitation while living in the United States. At the age of 20, I began teaching Quran to youth at a local masjid and to elderly members of the community.
Even today, I cherish reciting while sitting on the balcony of our apartment, a practice that has stayed with me into adulthood. I find serenity and spiritual energy in these moments. Years later, I learned that my neighbors, many of whom were non-Muslims, used to listen to my Quranic recitations. They were intrigued by the eloquence and beauty of the recitations, as my mother later shared with me. Muslim neighbors would send blessings and make Duas upon learning it was I who recited. Even the non-Muslims expressed appreciation and looked forward to hearing the recitations. Surprisingly, whenever I didn't recite for a while, someone would knock on my door to inquire if everything was alright. I was unaware that my recitation had such an impact on others.
With the advent of social media, I decided to share this gift from Allah. In an effort to normalize Quran recitation globally, especially among the youth, I launched the #recitewithme initiative. I envision this hashtag evolving into a prominent brand. Today, I observe Quranic recitations flourishing across various social media platforms—it has become my contemporary form of the balcony.